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- Mount Athos Komboloi
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- Fragrant Mount Athos Komboloi_KBTT
Fragrant Mount Athos Komboloi_KBTT
These komboloi are made from the fruit of a Cypress tree from Mount Athos which is called Juniperberry.
It is a very hard fruit and it is not easy to process.
Fruit oils are therapeutic and used in the pharmaceutical industry.
After the fruit is cleaned, it is scented, painted with natural colors and finally prepared to be the shape you now hold in your hands.
These Mount Athos Worry Beads have no spaces between the beads. On the end, before the rich tassel there are 2 metal ornaments. The first is a metal cross which depicts Virgin Mary holding Baby Jesus and the second has Agion Oros imprinted on it encasing the top of the colored tassel.
They feel beautiful to handle but since these komboloi have no spaces they are more often used to hang over an icon or even in one's car.